Cliarly's Pricing
Time is money, and Cliarly saves you time
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Try Cliarly
Find out if Cliarly is right for you. Read 20,000 characters and correct 5,000 characters for free with a Cliarly account.
No credit card required
Try the extensionStandard
149 kr.
per month.
Minimum price 149 kr.
Get full access to Cliarly and use it as much as you want, both for private use and at work.
Unlimited access*
Choose PlanStudent
79 kr.
per month.
Minimum price 79 kr.
Are you a student? We want to help you succeed in your studies with Cliarly.
Unlimited access*
Choose Plan* Read aloud and Cliarly Corrected are limited to 750,000 characters per month to protect Cliarly from cyberattacks. If you need to use Cliarly more, contact us.