About Us

We ensure that everyone can write and read better and faster in an increasingly written society.

Om Clearly AI (Cliarly)

Our Team

The Team Behind Cliarly

Jakob Frederik Lykke

Jakob Frederik Lykke

CEO & Founder

Anders Halmø

Anders Halmø

Head of Finance & Strategy

Kasper Nielsen

Kasper Nielsen

Head of Software Development

Signe Lykke Nielsen

Signe Lykke Nielsen

Copywriter & Support

Our Skilled Advisors

We cannot build Cliarly alone, so we are very happy to have our skilled advisors on the team. They help us grow Cliarly and ensure that our software meets the highest standards.

Advice from Dell

Dell provides their employees through Dell for Entrepreneurs. Dell's employees help us with everything from strategy and law to GDPR and cybersecurity.

Ulla Heurlin

Ulla Heurlin

Investor and Business Angel

Dell for Entrepreneurs

Dell for Entrepreneurs

Advice from Dell

Christopher Trunk-Black

Christopher Trunk-Black

Serial entrepreneur

Flemming Koch

Flemming Koch

ITO at Aalborg University

Cliarly is supported by

Innovationsfonden Det Obelske Familiefond